Blind Sympathy

Vafara is a blind composer who creates new symphonies for the world. Alone in a cabin with only her service dog, she’s not at all concerned with her lack of cellphone service in the middle of nowhere. This is her special place where she can be free to relax and let her musical compositions speak to her.

Israfel is a demon one assignment short from graduation: possession of an innocent soul. He’s always known he was different from the others of his kind, and meeting the lovely Vafara confirmed it.

Will he be able to possess the passionate violinist when all he wants to do is hold her? Or will he throw it all away and risk an all-out Angels and Demons war to save her from the dark fate that awaits her?

Kindle and Amazon

This book starts out with an exciting premise: a demon, Israfel, is graduating and has one last assignment. He must possess a blind woman, Vafara, who is a musician/composer. This is one unusual demon. He has a secret artistic talent and is more intellectually gifted than his colleagues.

Israfel turns out to be quite charming, almost (and ironically) innocent. Vafara is good-hearted and open-minded. She is also a woman of faith, and when this comes into play, readers are likely to admire her integrity. It’s not hard to see why a friendship could spring out of this situation. Then it quickly becomes more than friendship. The author has drawn these two closer with realistic and beautiful scenes.

This Beauty and the Beast story is a fresh and inventive take on a well-loved theme. The world building is vivid, and the supporting characters are just right. It’s a love story, yes, but it has more profundity than some stories because though it is a spicy story with a hot love scene, it is also about depth of character, making the tale as a whole one not to forget. Those who enjoy angel and demon stories as well will probably like this one. Recommended.

This review made me feel so good. Lezlie Smith from The Nerdy Narrative YouTube Channel really got the story 🙂
Drew’s Book Reviews, another booktuber, also did a video review. 🙂

It was an honor to have been a guest on Artist First Radio Network talking about Blind Sympathy!

Blind Sympathy Interview on May 4th, 2020